Workplace Resources
Healthy employees are happy employees!
Employee and employers can work together to make sure that the workplace promotes and supports healthy eating and regular daily activity. Wellness isn’t something you ‘do’ only after work. It is a part of every hour! We are here to help support employers and employees in improving and maintaining their health both inside and outside of work.
We recommend taking one step at a time.
Perhaps you will begin by adding movement breaks into meetings or by eliminating soda at meetings and offering a pitcher of ice water instead. Recruit supporters. Cultural change can be challenging. Having allies in various departments will help!
Increase healthy eating at work
Eating healthy in the workplace can have a significant impact on a person’s overall health and well-being. Nutritious foods have been shown to improve concentration and cognitive function, boosting an employee's workplace performance. Research has shown that employee well-being even leads to higher creativity and productivity.
Below are some handouts that may help guide your workplace in their first steps towards improving diets in the workplace.
increase movement at work
Increasing movement at work does not have to be challenging or overwhelming. We can help you start will small, sustainable changes that are easy to implement!
Below are some handouts and information with potential starting points, but we are here to help you organize and design any movement campaigns that would be the most ideal for your workplace!
Healthy messaging
Deploying a consistent message, 5-2-1-0, is vital in guiding children and families on how to engage in healthy behaviors. When individuals are exposed to health promotion messages through several settings, and those settings have policies and environments that support healthy choices, families will be more likely to adopt or maintain the behaviors in their daily lives.
Here are easy messages that you can copy into a newsletter, email, or social media post to help spread the 5-2-1-0 message and provide healthy tips!
Support healthy families
Parents and caregivers play an important role in supporting and role modeling the 5-2-1-0 behaviors for their children. Workplaces help reach parents and caregivers where they spend the majority of their day, in an environment that can highly influence and support their behaviors around healthy eating and physical activity.