Partnership Challenge
Become a Proud Partner of L
et’s Go! Gulf Coast
Partnering with us is easy...and FREE! Whether you’re a childcare center, school, after school program, healthcare provider, or local workplace, we hope you'll become an official Let’s Go! Gulf Coast partner! The 5-2-1-0 Partnership Challenge guides your organization towards making positive changes, in order to promote a healthier environment. Environments can highly influence and support behaviors around healthy eating and physical activity, so it’s vital that we all work together to create the healthiest environments possible!
By addressing the policies, practices, and environment that influence healthy lifestyle behaviors, you can encourage healthy eating and physical activity. The 5-2-1-0 message provides a great starting point for organizations that are new to wellness promotion and strengthens the efforts of organizations with existing wellness activities. Join us and play an important part in supporting and role modeling the 5-2-1-0 behaviors for children and others!
Our Partnership Challenge is a fantastic way for us to help you begin or enhance wellness initiatives at your site!
We absolutely love partnering with a wide range of organizations - and our achievements look so different in each and every site! When a local business approaches us, we may accomplish a unique policy change or implement an innovative wellness program - which will be vastly different from what we assist an after-school program in accomplishing. And that’s okay! We work with each organization individually and listen to what your individual needs, goals, and dreams are and then help you make them a reality.
Free Starter Kit that includes:
5-2-1-0 Let's Go! Gulf Coast Toolkit
5-2-1-0 Color posters
Let's Go! Gulf Coast flyers
Along with:
5-2-1-0 Training
Public recognition as a 5-2-1-0 partner
Ongoing programming ideas and support
Select various strategies, listed below, and launch them at your site within six months, including, but not limited to:
2 Promotional Activities
1 Wellness Activity
1 Policy, Practice & Environmental Strategy
Below are some broad examples of wellness and promotional activities, and policy, practice, and environmental strategies. However, the possibilities are endless!
Wellness activities
Create a soft drink display (example
found in 5-2-1-0 toolkit).Host a health speaker or healthy food demonstration at your organization.
Regularly distribute a wellness newsletter and/or healthy recipes.
Encourage walk and talk meetings.
Encourage employees to use designated break times to engage in some form of physical activity or stress reduction activity.
Form a wellness committee.
Hold food tastings and/or healthy recipe contests.
promotional activities
Host a kick-off meeting or event to introduce 5-2-1-0.
Display 5-2-1-0 posters throughout your facility.
Circulate 5-2-1-0 flyers and educational materials to staff, clients, parents, and/or children.
Post a link on your website.
Announce your 5-2-1-0 partnership via your newsletter, listserv or other means.
Sponsor a 5-2-1-0 Health Challenge (include prizes, giveaways, recognition).
Share 5-2-1-0 e-newsletter or its information with staff, parents, and/or clients.
Start a regular calendar of health and wellness activities and classes that are being held in your community and share with employees/clients/students.
Promote a walking initiative (walk during breaks/lunch; promote stairwell use and/or use of community walking tracks; offer incentives to park further away).
Increase the proportion of healthy food/drink options in vending machines and/or make healthy choices more affordable.
Discontinue candy/junk food sales as a fundraising strategy.
Provide non-food rewards.
Introduce a no sugar-sweetened beverages and/or snacks policy.
Provide healthy options for snacks and celebrations.
Create a policy to ensure healthy food options at community and workplace meetings.
Designate a walking path on your workplace's property or map mileage so that staff and others can exercise regularly.
Provide refrigeration and kitchen appliances for employee food storage and preparation.
Offer discounted or subsidized gym memberships and/or establish an on-site fitness facility/room.
Plant a garden.
Make fresh water available throughout the day.
Practice edible landscaping (tomatoes, squash, herbs, etc.).
Review HR policies to ensure the inclusion of wellness practices.